Recipe of the Week (ish) This banner contains a link for 'Facts to Fiction' featuring articles, fiction and sci-fi
Eat Cheese!

Dessert Dishes

Here's the thing. If you're reading text like this then it means I need to add a new field to the database. In this case I've suddenly recognised:

(i) The need for some text in this section and

(ii) The utter futility of trying to cover off all possible categories in this section of the page, right now, with a series of 'if' statements. (It's possible I might have done this elsewhere, in a hurry. It will be recognisible by the shabbiness of the content. Not this bad, mind.)

With this in mind, do not judge me. Just look at all the lovely dessert dishes I've got for you.
What's that? Oh I know. But the potential is there, am I right?

1 recipe for a dessert dish:
Fudgy chocolate pudding

Pudding ..the stuff that after a meal you sometimes need it even when you just fancy a treat.